Eagan Custody Lawyers

Child custody battles can be emotionally and legally complex, often leaving families in a state of uncertainty and stress. Understanding how the courts handle child custody cases in Minnesota is crucial for any party involved in a custody dispute. This guide aims to provide insights into how Minnesota courts approach child custody matters, along with essential steps to prepare for the legal process effectively.

Types Of Child Custody

  1. Legal custody: Legal custody refers to the right and responsibility to make decisions about the child’s upbringing, including education, medical care, and religious matters. It can be awarded jointly to both parents or solely to one parent.
  2. Physical custody: Physical custody involves where the child lives and the daily care of the child. It can be shared jointly or granted to one parent, with visitation rights for the other.

Best Interest Factors

Minnesota law outlines several factors that the court considers when determining the child’s best interests. These factors may include:

  • The child’s physical, emotional, and developmental needs.
  • Each parent’s ability to provide for the child’s needs.
  • The child’s preference (considered if they are of a sufficient age and maturity).
  • The parents’ mental and physical health.
  • The child’s relationships with each parent and other family members.
  • Any history of domestic abuse or violence.
  • The child’s adjustment to their current home, school and community.
  • Each parent’s willingness to support the child’s relationship with the other parent.

Navigating The Child Custody Process With Our Eagan Custody Lawyers

Navigating the child custody process in Minnesota necessitates careful preparation and a clear understanding of the legal intricacies involved. Here are some essential steps to help you prepare effectively:

  1. Consult with an experienced family law attorney: Seek guidance from a reputable family law attorney with extensive experience in child custody cases. A knowledgeable attorney will provide invaluable insights into the legal process and offer personalized strategies tailored to your specific situation.
  2. Gather relevant documents: Collect all pertinent documents, including financial records, communication history with the other party, and any evidence relevant to the well-being of the child. Organize these documents systematically to present a comprehensive case to the court.
  3. Prioritize the child’s interests: Focus on showcasing your ability to provide a stable and nurturing environment for the child. Demonstrate your understanding of the child’s needs and your willingness to facilitate a healthy relationship between the child and the other parent.
  4. Maintain composure and cooperation: Display a willingness to work cooperatively with the other party in the best interests of the child. Demonstrating a collaborative attitude can positively influence the court’s perception of your ability to co-parent effectively.
  5. Stay informed and communicate openly: Stay informed about the legal proceedings and maintain open communication with your attorney. Being proactive and responsive during the legal process can significantly strengthen your position in the custody dispute.

Parenting Plans

In most cases, Minnesota courts require parents to create a parenting plan, outlining custody and visitation arrangements. If parents cannot agree on a plan, the court will step in and create one in the child’s best interests.


Mediation is often encouraged to help parents reach agreements on custody and parenting plans. A trained mediator can assist in resolving disputes and reaching mutually beneficial solutions.

Modification Of Custody Orders

Custody orders can be modified if circumstances change significantly and it’s in the child’s best interests. This could be due to relocation, a parent’s ability to provide better care, or other relevant factors.

Frequently Asked Questions About Child Protection In Minnesota

As the emotional toll of separation chips in, many questions may be ringing in your minds as your child’s interest takes center stage. At Oney + Kim Family Law, PLLC, we understand the delicate nature of child custody matters and are here to guide you through the process. Below are answers from our Eagan custody lawyers to some of our clients’ more common questions.

How is child custody determined?

The court is legally required to make all custody decisions in the best interests of the child or children. Factors that may influence the decision include the child’s age, the physical and mental health of each parent, the ability of each parent to provide a stable environment and any history of abuse or neglect. The court may also consider the child’s preferences, especially if they are older.

Is Minnesota a ‘mother state’?

Minnesota treats both mothers and fathers the same when it comes to their parenting rights. However, a parent’s marital status can significantly impact their custodial rights. Unmarried biological mothers automatically have sole custody at the child’s birth. Fathers, however, need to establish paternity formally by submitting a Recognition of Parentage form or through a court order and genetic testing, if required.

Who will get custody?

Every case is unique, and nobody can guarantee who will get custody. Ideally, parents will work together to find solutions that work best for their child or children. When that is not possible, the court may make the final decision. Typically, the court prefers to keep both parents involved in a child’s life unless there is evidence that one parent is somehow unfit. Even in those situations, it may be possible for that parent to have limited visitation.

Our compassionate and experienced Eagan custody lawyers are dedicated to helping you achieve a fair and amicable resolution that minimizes stress for you and your children. We can answer more questions in person.

Contact Our Eagan Custody Lawyers To Learn More

Understanding how Minnesota courts approach child custody cases and preparing accordingly is essential to ensure a favorable outcome for your child. By prioritizing the child’s well-being, gathering compelling evidence, and demonstrating a cooperative attitude, you can navigate the legal process with confidence and clarity. Remember, the guidance of a seasoned family law attorney is invaluable in securing the best possible outcome for you and your child. Embrace this opportunity to create a stable and nurturing environment that fosters the well-being and happiness of your child.

If you’re facing child custody issues in Minnesota, our experienced Eagan custody lawyers at Oney + Kim Family Law can provide guidance and legal support. We are committed to helping you achieve the best outcome for you and your child. Contact us today to schedule a consultation or call us at 612-279-8655.